
12th AFFHO Congress on Genealogy & Heraldry

Auckland, New Zealand
16-20 January 2009

If you’re living in New Zealand – or able to travel there – and interested in genealogy, heraldry and family history, then you’re in luck!

The Australasian Federation of Family History Organisations (AFFHO) is holding its next triennial congress in Auckland from 16-20 January. The overarching theme of this congress, the twelfth in a series stretching back to 1977, will be “Preserving the past for the future”. It’s hosted by the New Zealand Society of Genealogists at Kings College, Otahuhu.

The programme is simply packed with hour-long lectures and two-hour workshops, together with several plenary sessions, on a bewildering variety of themes. Guest speakers specialise in all kinds of fields relevant to the Australian and New Zealand family researcher, including local historians, family record archivists, geneticists and practitioners in many more disciplines.

Other special events include the Congress Banquet at Eden Park, home of the All Blacks, and a day tour of Auckland for out-of-town visitors.

Topic profiles, speaker profiles and a full programme are all available from the website, and it’s possible to register (for the whole conference, for single days or for individual events) online. But time’s running short, so hurry!

Website: 12th Australasian Congress on Genealogy & Heraldry